Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dear Gaga...Your Cocaine Secret...We sorta knew!

Gaga I really Appreciate your honesty...but we knew..all along! ( damn, and she thot she was playing us)
She admitted in her new cover story for the September 2010 issue of Vanity Fair Magazine that she is an occasional cocaine user…but doesn’t want fans to get the wrong idea.
Ummmhh Yeah Hello!! We sorta guessed that years ago... but hey thanks for the tip, you know, confirming it and all. I mean Duh!  its not who knew? its who didn't know?
    “I won’t lie — it’s occasional. And when I say occasional, I mean maybe a couple of times a year. I do not want my fans to ever emulate that or be that way. I don’t want my fans to think they have to be that way to be great. It’s in the past. It was a low point, and it led to disaster.”
Yeah nice move Gaga...here's what the teens will get 'look kids, it ok to have a lil coke, it wouldn't kill you if you only use it occasionally'   while to them occasions are every Saturday! why do they even give this woman a mic?!Gad!!!!! Gaga Why?!!!

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