Friday, August 20, 2010

Babies Rented to Beggars in South Africa

Sometimes i think, we rent too much. We rent cars, we rent houses, we rent suits/tuxedos, we rent shoes (yes there are shoes for rent), we rent gowns, we rent jewelry, and the list goes on but seriously..babies tooo!??!!!! Creches in the South African city of Pretoria have been renting out babies left in their care to beggars who use them to elicit sympathy money from motorists...saddest news I've heard all week.

Police made the discovery after questioning beggars who congregate around busy intersections about the origins of the children accompanying them.It follows reports last year that parents in nearby Johannesburg were themselves renting their children to beggars for as little as 20 Rand a day - just under £2. Shame on them, how can one Rent out their own kid?...ok, I'm being hypocritical here...since cute and quiet kids have been known to be rented for weddings and functions ( me totally discluded, renting me  was impossible wen i was young,coz i talk too much and and i have the most cheesiest most weirdest smiles of all times) but for £2 or less?!!! Forget the workers, children should be striking as well!
Doortjie van Rensburg, a spokeswoman, said officers suspect a crime syndicate is running the unnamed creches.She said that parents would drop off and collect their children unaware of how they had been used and urged them only to used childcare facilities licensed by the state. I can only imagine how heartbroken a parent can get after discovering his kid was rented and was begging in the streets instead having fun at daycare. I have a lil niece, she's 2 years old now and she's absolutely adorable and if i was in that situation,somebody rented my baby niece, i would have sued their socks off! I'd be sorta scared of taking my kid to daycare, imagine being stuck in traffic gazing at the streets only to see your little one crossing the road dressed in torn and tattered clothes. I tell ya, the people who are responsible are just building their house in the hell!!

Beggars should use other techniques, like catchy signs maybe......just not children

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