Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hitler had African Ancestors?!!!

I just got the biggest shock of my life today...okay i knew that Hitler was Jewish coz in 2007, Mohammed-Ali Ramin, chief aide to Iranian President Ahmadinejad professed that Hitler and his parents were Jewish and Hitler himself was one of the founders of Israel. Ramin claimed that Hitler’s paternal grandmother was a Jewish prostitute and his father kept his Jewish name until he was 40 years old. Ramin also stated that Hitler developed an aversion to Judaism because his own mother was promiscuous and those are the basic reasons for the havoc he wreaked upon the world and yatta yatta, But my latest shock..DNA tests have proven that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had African ancestors.

His ancestors are African...these  White scientists!! The nerve!! they always pin something negative up against Africa!!! lol! Yeah Blame us For this Loon  Whydoncha!!!!!

Journalist Jean-Paul Mulders and historian Marc Vermeeren used saliva samples to trace 39 of Hitler’s relatives….and found out that he may have descended from Jewish and African lines, how can we trust them? For Godsakes they used saliva!! which could have been like what 70 years old? I dont trust 6o year old man, how am i supposed to trust 70 something year old saliva!. A chromosome called “Haplogroup E1b1b” or Y-DNA was also discovered in his relatives’ saliva samples which is very rare in Germany, but common in areas such as Morocco and Tunisia.

    “It is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, in Algeria, Libya and Tunisia as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews,” Vermeeren states.
Here  we go again! I refuse to believe this story..Hitler wasn't African or an African Ascendant! Or whatever but really...If you take ANYONE’S 39 relatives,you’re bound to find some Jewish, African, Rastafari, Indian, Eskimo and perhaps even Martian origins...that test couldn't mean anything, they used saliva for Godsake!!
could there be possibilities that Fuhrer Hitler and Nigerian Furer Obozo were actually related?
Your views invited..btw...

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