Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Africa is the next Fashion and sourcing capital of the world....

The terms ethical and sustainable fashion, have become synonymous with the fashion industry and now every high street fashion chain and designer has an ethical influence and or a sustainability element to their mission statement. But, what does that mean to developing countries like those in Africa which have for years influenced successful designers world-wide, enhancing both their brand and bank balance?. How can Africa benefit from its part in the fashion industry?AfricaFashionGuide believes that Africa is the next fashion and textiles sourcing capital of the world and with over 10,000 hits to its blog AfricaFashionGuide (AFG) knows it can’t be wrong.

In September AfricaFashionGuide is taking its discussions to the streets of London and will host its first forum. This event will be in conjunction with the launch of its first publication Fashion Africa (a glossy coffee table fashion book on contemporary African fashion featuring over 45 designers with illustrations, images, interviews and analysis) and website (a platform to support the full supply chain of the Africa fashion and textiles industry).

The focus of the forum will be to discuss the topical issue of ‘African fashion with an ethical perspective’. Panellists will include those who not only have a love for Africa but who through projects, blogs, initiatives and personal belief work tirelessly to raise awareness of African fashion.
Jacqueline Shaw, author of Fashion Africa and founder of AfricaFashionGuide said “I’m excited about this forum. I welcome the opportunity to bring colleagues from the fashion industry together to discuss how Africa can benefit in real sustainable terms and, possibly provide some solutions and a way forward”.

Fashion Africa, the book, and the AfricaFashionGuide website, launch and forum will be held on Friday 9th September 2011, at The Africa Centre, Covent Garden, London. Those wishing to attend can register at
AfricaFashionGuide is a not-for-profit social enterprise promoting the African fashion and textile industry.

What do you think?

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