Thursday, May 5, 2011

Style Fix

Ty Akintayo for FAB online Magazine
I never thought i would say this But im starting to get used to the sight of men in leggings( Those are leggings right?), a while ago i wouldve said it was a fashion Faux Pas...but well, My fashion views are changing, I guess. Im hearing they're called Meggings, been around for a while, i just never paid attention to them before... Nice
..Ty Looks too yummy >That came out wrong
photographed by Suby & Sinem and styling by Larry B for FAB Magazine Online.

So back to the Meggings (that will take a while of getting used to)
worn under shorts, which i think looks better

or without
Wadya think?
Tired to persuade one of my guy friends to buy a pair in the name of fashion, it was a battle..
Never I say never, am i wearing something that tight on my balls and shapes my ass..never
he said
Loooks like something Russel Brand Would wear

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