Monday, May 2, 2011

Genevieve Nnaji Hi Magazine

My Gosh i love Miss Nnaji...Fierce! Her Interview with Hi Magazine, so on this interview we find out that Miss Gene is actually shy quiet and quite an introvert..interesting...
So on the other plus side of fame, what free stuff do you get? (She breaks into another mysterious smile)

Yeah, I get some free stuff once in a while...’ after further pressing from me she owns up to free stays in hotels, recently  a handbag, and more mostly sent by women! “Gifts coming from women makes me especially happy because women are naturally tough to please, (I am), and so affirmation from them means a lot to me”.

 What upsets you, what gets you down?
“People who can’t find it in themselves to wish other people well, or just run them down because the good thing is not happening to them. I give kudos where kudos it’s due, I call a spade a spade, stay positive and focus on my blessings.

I asked her about the infamous facade that many people believe she puts up.

“I am very reserved naturally, I already explained my upbringing, I don’t know what... It’s hard to pretend for so long. Anyone who can pretend for so long will be the best actor EVER! Even if you meet someone new, just give them 10 minutes, and that person’s true colour will come out....I only pretend when I’m being paid to”.
So, sorry to disappoint you ladies and gentlemen but she is no Paris Hilton. We will never see pictures of her tumbling out of clubs or changing men like she’s changing shoes. She has no desire to paint the town red or court the media.... she’s not saint, but she’s definitely not a sinner.
Read The Full interview Here 
Image Credits BellaNaija, HiMagaz

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