Sunday, May 8, 2011

Australia Fashion Week Street Style

Its Australia fashion week and instead of looking at the runways, im looking sideways.. at the attendants and what they're wearing thinking, what sort of things do people wear at fashion shows, what sort of things do Australians wear at fashion shows...she thinks, then thinks...the goes to goes ...Ah ha! Sydney,
was full of bright blues, pinks, and citrusy greens. Dots are also very popular Down Under. Spotted on clutches, pants, and even trenches, they’ve jumped off the fall runways ...runway news watch the people..I feel like one of those people stuck in a tree somewhere holding a binoculars with pen n pad..weird

Okay this hat was pretty interesting... captured...

Pink hair Orange skirt, Aaaahhh...the joy of seeing other color extravagants

And then she hid her face, not knowing it was the polka dot clutch we were actually win

Who said Denim on Denim is a crime?

The queen of stripes...

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