Tuesday, March 8, 2011

For Rita (Womens Day Poem)

by Airyn R. Lentija

Under the ceiling
Of a clouded sky
Few stand out
With confidence, to
Dance on in beat
To a tempo slow
Upon the sands of a
Rose petal covered shored.

Thought I'd stop for a while
As my knowledge had dried, but
Like a seed, I slowly grow
As the beat goes on.

I've seen you shine
A precious, radiant pearl
That rises up from hungry waves
To cast her goodness upon the cliff walls

If you might ask who i am
I am the one who stopped for a while,
And stared in awe to the heart and mind you that you have,
Now I raise anchor and cast off to sea
Slipping along the razor of waves
And maybe one day you will wonder where I am
That's where I'll be.

I who was nurtured and inspired by people like you,
Molding myself to became a shining pearl someday
With humble heart i say "thank you"
For the gift of kindness......
For the gift of You.

This poem was written as a tribute to Rita Loyd who kindly allowed Airyn to use one of her paintings for the cover of her collection of poems.

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