Monday, January 3, 2011

Maatano by Ayaan and Idyl Mohallim

Somali Born twins Ayaan and Idyl Mohallim  residing in United States really caught my eye with their pieces.
They recently launched an online store 
How did Maatano Come about
 In late 2008, after years of dreaming about starting our own collection, we took a bold step together, launching Mataano (translated as “twins” in Somali), and developing a platform from which to express our vision and bring forth our creations to the marketplace.
How They Fuse Cultural With Everyday ManHattan Lifestyle in their designs
Our design aesthetic is always influenced by the intermingling of cultures. We are a product of Somali and American heritage, so it is important our designs reflect that. We design for the multi-cultural woman, and are inspired by the global village.
What Inspires their designs and what they're designs are reflecting

For us, designing is an expression of who we are as women. It can be the simplicity of a Somali Caftan or the detailed intricacies of a ball gown. We design for the international woman who doesn’t know where the day is going to take her.
Being  interviewed on CNN and having the opportunity to be on Oprah, How it affected the brand name; Positively / Negatively?
All Press is positive press. Being on Oprah and CNN has given us the national credibility that will bring Mataano to the forefront in fashion. We are well on our way to making Mataano a recognizable name in the fashion industry.
The Designers that motivate and Push them 
 Oscar de la Renta! He is a fashion icon and is head of one of the most influential fashion houses in the world.
Read the rest of the interview here
Some Pieces of the Spring Summer 2011 Collection

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