Monday, January 3, 2011

Jazmine Sullivan Announces Break From Music

Jazmine,One Of my favorite artists out there, I gotta admit it the girl sings with heart and I was quite disappointed when she announced via twitter that she is taking a break from music to 'figure out'  who she is without a mic and 'catch up on herself' total bummer, I mean she was doing quite okay, 2 Grammy nominations, the album isn't doing perfect in sales but its okay But I doubt that's a reason for an artist to decide to out of the biz ...and so and so this is a total shocker, it would be understandable if she wasn't progressing but hey...what can we say. I really hate to see a good artist backing off, But I believe she will back before we know it, I sure hope so, I don't think another soulful R&B singer will be quite like her.
She says on her twitter
 “I promised myself when it wasn’t fun anymore I wouldn’t do it. And here I am. I’m not saying I won’t ever sing again in my life because I don’t believe that. But in this moment right now, I got some things to figure out”

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