Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Whats wrong with this Cheque?

Look closer..
Dont see it? Dont worry... I'll wait...

The Amount on the First lady's cheque is written Tshs 3.8 Million, as in 3800,000 but the amount written on the figures  section reads 380,000
On the Presidents cheque the amount written is Two Hundred thousand..200,000 but the figures section on the right reads  300,000

Now either Someones playing a really sick Joke or our illiteracy rates are still very high, or both.. Ive still yet to decide...

All I've got to say is..really Tanzania? Really? Arent there authorities for checking things like these out... before handing them to 'Your majesty' You'd think they'd be more careful with things they hand out to umh..the President and First Lady maybe...

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