Friday, May 13, 2011

Shake the Dust

Traditional Yemen Dance
“Shake the Dust” is a feature documentary that tells the stories of break-dancers in struggling communities around the globe that, although separated by cultural boundaries and individual struggles, are intrinsically tied to one another through their passion for break-dancing and hip-hop culture. 
From Kampala To Yemen..tracing Hip hop roots by Director Adam Sjoberg
Heres a Quickclip

Shake the Dust - Yemen from Loose Luggage on Vimeo.

Kampala Uganda.

Upon returning from a trip to Uganda in 2006, I exhibited (along with another photographer) a series of images from my time backpacking through this volatile yet beautiful African country.  Although the exhibit was relatively well-received, one newspaper article claimed the show “lacked honesty.”  Their assertion was that very few of the images seemed to actually represent the reality of the suffering that was happening in Uganda.  “Where were the M16’s, the child soldiers, the poverty, disease, despair?” they said.

The honest truth was this:  Suffering was, indeed there, but it wasn’t the majority of what I found.  Many filmmakers enter into a place of crisis, and, with a multitude of motives good and bad, endeavor to capture nothing but agony and despair.  Now, I believe there is certainly a place for that.  But if that is the only story that is told, then the subjects of our words, photos, and videos, are deprived of their humanity.  I believe we are called to empathize with suffering people– not just pity them.

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