Monday, May 2, 2011

Sean Kingston In Zimbabwe

Sean Kingstonn was in Zimbabwe last week..and...I like this guy, went to one of his shows once or twice,heck he's okay but well..I guess he was kind of a Disappointment in Zimbabwe...

And as if That wasnt enought..there was this....
Sorry dont (as you call it)  'give back' to a crowd at a concert...if they can afford a $100  ticket to the show I'm pretty sure they can afford their way around 'living'...either way...there are tons of charities to 'give back' to! And you just couldnt say you threw dollars in the crowd just for fun..the needy? Really? Humping and crunking at a concert? 0_o 
Giving back?...Gawd Nooooooooo

More of the story Below
While he was expected to bring a full band, it turned out that he used backtracks for performances...using backtracks is nothing new among international artists touring the country but Kingston went further to disappoint his fans after failing to last on stage.

When people saw his failure at the first show at Celebration Centre, anticipation was that he would do better at Glamis Arena ( He had two perfomances) but the performance turned out to be even worse.

After performing songs like Fire Burning, Eenie Meenie, Beautiful Girls, Take You There, Face Drop, and Why You Wanna Go the musician easily turned into a DJ.

He resorted to selecting other musicians’ songs in the comfort of the DJ’s box.
At Glamis Arena the mature crowd would not have any of the musician’s tricks and there was an outcry as fans demanded that the young artist give the audience their money’s worth.

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