Friday, May 6, 2011

Eco-Ideas for Africa: sOccket

i betchu scractching your head on why a soccer ball is connected to a light bulb, Thats a special soccer ball called sOccket, 
FunFact: sOccket" was invented by four women who met in a Harvard engineering class. sOccket=Universal Love of Soccer + Need for Energy
Watch the video to get how it works

...XYZ from ...XYZ on Vimeo.

Yeah I know African children love football to bits,( no we dont call it Soccer)
but i doubt anyone will carry a flashlight that big ...though...its proper function is  a energy generating...
More details on below
The sOccket is a soccer ball that captures energy during game play to power LEDs and charge batteries. After playing with the ball, the child can return home and use the ball to connect an LED lamp to read, study, or illuminate the home. The ball uses an inductive coil mechanism to generate energy. This product is still in the prototyping stage, where 15 minutes of play can provide 3 hours of LED lightThis project helps meet the need for electricity in African countries where 95% of the population is living with no access to electricity (World Bank Millennium Goals Report, 2006).sOccket Team: "Having all spent time in Africa, we wanted to translate the positive energy of soccer and children we had seen on fields and playgrounds in Africa to their lives off the field and into their homes."

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