Friday, May 13, 2011

Boycott Aladin?

Growing up a cartoon freak like all the other children of this century, TV has often played tricks on us from African cartoons which were somewhat 'bias' to now Arabic ones, like Aladin... so I've been told
Ive heard of Disney putting hidden messages in cartoons.. not a new fact..
But What is soo wrong with Aladin?...heres a video Battling Aladin in Orange County

Tea Party Youth LA hits the streets of Fullerton to raise awareness about quite possibly the biggest terrorist of all: Aladdin...really? ugh!!! 
in one post i found it says
Alababistan is a fictional city in the Middle East. The movie tries to show how "great" the Middle East is and how "happy" Muslims live. They never seemed to showcase masked men running around with AK47's shooting little girls that are trying to goto school. They never show the extreme poverty of everyone living there. And most importantly, they never show the suicide bombings of Jewish people.
Its sad that people think this...
 just goes to show how limited of thought and travel  that thats all one sees n thinks of Middle East, Media perception is never the bigger picture...Are there Any American British, Portuguese or Even Spanish cartoons showing their soldiers at war and crimes and violence.. . Yup, i thought so, none.. Not everything is as you see on TV.the same can be said for everywhere! However..there are unrests in the middle east due present..

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