Sunday, January 16, 2011

Paris Hilton has a New Reality Show!

Paris's New Reality Show is Called the world according to Paris  and she says its unlike the “character” she created to appear with pal Nicole Richie on The Simple Life.

She says  On The Simple Life, I was playing a character I kind of invented. I didn't realize the show would last five seasons, so I had to keep doing it. I think people assume that's really how I am in real life. But when I'm with my friends and my family is when I feel most comfortable and myself. In the show, it really shows the real Paris.
There are so many crazy things on the show, but one of the craziest is jumping out of a plane and skydiving.
I'm fearless, and I live life to the fullest and feel like you only live once so you should make the most of it. Jumping out of a plane is the most incredible feeling in the world.
We've been shooting since October-November, and it's whole access into my life. I'm shooting from the moment I wake up until I go to bed at night.
I kind of scream at them sometimes when they come in so early.
   *sighs*...Rich People ....
So Lemme get this straight....The Simple Life was a reality show which was Fake? in fake personalities?... *chugs poppcorn*

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