Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cops In Trouble For Stopping Winnie Mandela's Car

Two South African cops who stopped a speeding car that was taking the ex-wife of former president Nelson Mandela to a funeral are facing criminal and disciplinary charges...Why? Coz you just dont stop the Ex-First Lady/Member of Parliament's Ride..Its  just wrong...O_0
The incident caused  a scuffle between her bodyguards and two traffic officers -- one black and one white -- when the car was stopped.The white officer was quoted as saying he was being victimised "for doing his job" and because he spoke to the media about the incident involving Mandela's former wife who is a member of parliament.

"They are facing criminal charges of pointing a firearm, intimidation and internal charges... Madikizela-Mandela's driver and bodyguard laid the charges," police spokesman Colonel Neville Malila told AFP.
It was reported that Jannie Odendaal and his colleague stopped the car on a highway north of Johannesburg for speeding at about 150 kilometres (93 miles) per hour).
A bodyguard got out of the car and told Odendaal that Madikizela-Mandela was inside, after which both parties offered different accounts of what happened.
Odendaal claimed he was pushed by the bodyguard and verbally insulted.
However the bodyguard said he tried to explain Madikizela-Mandela was late for a funeral in Pretoria and they accepted they had been speeding, according to the report.
The bodyguard said Odendaal swore at both him and Madikizela-Mandela when she got out of the car.
She then instructed her staff to drive off because the situation was getting ugly, the report said.
Malila said the two officers had been transferred to other stations because they face an internal disciplinary process as well as criminal charges.

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