Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Chaos In Arusha, Tanzania

Chadema wafanya Maandamano Jijini Arusha Jumatano 5th January. Inasemekana Jeshi la Polisi liliridhia mkutano huo kufanyika lakini, baadaye lilifuta kibali hicho kwa sababu ilizozitaja kuwa ni za uchunguzi za kiitelijensia zilizoashiria kuwa huenda kungekuwapo na uvunjifu wa amani, na kwamba, kibali pekee kilichotolewa ni cha kuruhusu "mkutano" tu na siyo "maandamano ya amani".
But they went along and did it anyway all the way to NMC grounds. Where the police stepped in and broke it off kwasabu ya kutotii Amrii iloyotolewa. Then it led to destruction I'm hearing some people have been reported dead, others severly injured, property destroyed. 'Im not liking the sound of this at all. Watch the vid on Michuzichannel here

I really hate that children were invovled, really? These lil guys cant even vote, why are they there? I hate to think that the sort of violence involved was in their presence, what is to teach the children?

I know the police had to stop this whole Maandamano lakini kweli in this fashion jamani? Ivi Human rights organs are dead in TZee au?
Josephine, wife of CHADEMA chairman Dk.Slaa 
CHADEMA MP Zitto Kabwe took it to his facebook stating

Habari za kutoka Arusha ni kuwa viongozi wetu wamepigwa mabomu na kukamatwa. Rais Kikwete na IGP wajue kuwa mabomu ya Polisi kamwe hayawezi kuzima moto wa kudai haki. Wapenda demokrasia wote tusimame imara kupinga vitendo viovu vya polisi.

As we strongly condemn the police brutality in Arusha, i urge members and followers of CHADEMA to remain calm as we ensure our leaders are set free. I have been informed that they will brought to Court in the morning. As courts are public places, we will go and show our solidarity to our leaders. We have information that people have died and many injured. Once confirmed we will update you

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