Saturday, April 3, 2010

OBama, He's Black, Period!!

Don't you just hate it when you're talking politics with someone and the name Obama comes up and some silly person points out 'Oh, he's half white' like we don't know!! Makes me want to go like 'noooo..really?' Anything you say....they  interrupt just to say 'Oh you know, I heard he's Indonesian too'  and before you even complete your statement  someone else mumbles   ' I heard he's  Mom half chinese Indian who jis grew up in Indonesia' You just want to bump them in the head, Why are you canceling out all the chances that he's black!!! I guess they expected the first African American President would be more like...

Well guess what...he's not!!

He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American..Thats right, in your face! No more of the he's half white thing....please!!! been nagging me ever since since election days...haha

The White House confirmed Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He just ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."

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