Thursday, June 9, 2011

Is Cheating No Longer a Reason For a Break-Up?

By Rachel Geras
Check Out Her New Blog MiAndMyWorld

There is a lot of ups and downs in any kind of relationship.Some have gone extremely bad and led to a lot of break ups...ISN'T IT?Flashback from what we have heard about our ancestors things looks like breaking up was out of the question.

Previously,Cheating was the main reason why people end their relationship not to talk of something taken as a disgrace in a society although it really involved married couple 'adultery' which is also against our religious beliefs. In today's world things have changed where cheating is no longer a reason enough for a couple to end their relationship.  

WHY? is it that there are more of other issues to consider and TRUST has lost it's value? or True love between  lovely couples that they decide to hold it on no matter what comes on their way? is it the fear of loneliness, or New relationships? or just being Desperate.

My point is should we put cheating as not the main factor leading to a break up? and if it does why is there less number of people breaking up due to this reason?

For unmarried couple hold it on for your loved ones ,there is always a happy ending when true love exists.
For married couple its something which is straight forward ,in a marriage you vowed for any situation you will still be there so hold it on when things get worse ask God to show you the way and whatever comes as his answer then DO IT.
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