Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Supporting Egypt From Around the World

This was touching to see that the turmoil in their home country got them all gathered up to support their fellow Egyptians back home... Egypt are one with one voice, this was so touching, a tear in my eye and I'm not even an emotional person... infact not everyone was Egyptian some were just there to show their support...
Egyptians and activists around the world took to the streets in various cities Saturday to show their support for the protests currently underway in Egypt and to join the call for President Hosni Mubarak to step down
According to a Facebook statement from Activists Against US Colonialism, a coalition of Middle East solidarity organizations, activists will be organizing protests world-wide "in front of parliament buildings, centers of power and collusion with the dictatorship regimes, and representative offices...International Day of Solidarity with Egyptian and Tunisian People
Lebanon infront of the Egypt Embassy


Geneva, Switzerland

Outside the Egyptian Headlines, Ankara Turkey

Demonstrations Neat United Nations Headquarters in New York

At the Egyptian Embassy in Ottawa..Free Egypt!

An Iraqi Boy joins the protests in Baghadad

Venezuela, In front of the Egyptian Embassy

Melbourne, Australia

Syria, lights candles for the turmoil in the Middle East
also  Syria is tightly ruled by the same authoritarian party for half a century, despite the upheaval in several of its Arab neighbours.....Everyone is calm, but the question at the back of their minds.
It is Syrian bloggers and cyber activists that  helped Egyptian activists and provided practical support When the Internet was shut down in Egypt Last week, along with AL Jazeera.A Syrian cyber activist told Damascus Bureau or Reuters that, feeling “jealous” about the events in Egypt, thay had tried to participate by suggesting logos and slogans for the Egyptian protesters and by distributing news through Twitter.“We in Syria have more experience in opening blocked websites than the Egyptians, so I sent different proxy programmes and links to many Egyptian activists who distributed them to others,” 
Truly, now you see how social networks are quiet beneficial in bringing about change, much rather, revolution, they play their part.
Watch Videos of the Worldwide support from around the world
Egyptian Embassy in Dublin, Ireland
Egyptian  Embassy in Barcelona, Spain
Egyptian Embassy in London

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