Monday, February 7, 2011

Special Message From Russia

Special Russian envoy, Sergei Kirinyeko delivers to President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete a Special message from the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev at the State House Dar es Salaam. Mr. Kiriyenko who is currently the Director General of ROSATOM, Russia’s state nuclear energy corporation (coincidence? I think not) he also served as Russias’s Prime Minister from March 23 to August 1998 under President Boris Yeltsin....
 This is giving me Ideas..
Zir Kikwyetye
I is Hope yooor country Vyery is Okay.. Ve undyerstant you arrye stroogglin to make yends meet.
but Ve vant Zenjibarrrr..(Reeeead Attashed Docoment)
ps. Zit Okay If ve make Nooclear at Se Tiny Sous Bit of Yooor Cooontry?
kOod Day
Az Yooou Zay in Zwahili.. Zikoo Njemaa (siku njema)
Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaase tell me u got it...u got it right?
Truth be told I love Russian Accents!.. Valentines Day, this part had me dead
And then Beyonce's Imitation....this was funny..09
I ended up at a place last year when I was on holiday where everyone kept asking me where I'm from,in the bars, in the streets, the vendors ... I got bored of saying Tanzania every now and then so I started saying Russia, best line was 'Ruski Ruski, Ve no Spyeak No Ingliz!!'  I think i pulled the accent up quite well, no one bothered me since.... lols..they just ask i use my famous line and  they go...

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