Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The First Black African To Climb Mount Everest

Realizing that finally I was there, that the message that I had been carrying for 60 days, that we Africans can reach great heights, was all over the world -- the feeling was even if I could collapse at that time and pass out and die, I would not have had a problem. I would have been the happiest person ever
Sibusiso Vilane,This guy is a Celeb in South Africa guys, he entered in the record books as the first African to climb mount Everest...though I wish it read ' The African who Discovered Mount Everest'...(just like the did when al these Missionaries climbed Kilimanjaro and ish...so and so discovered Kilimanjaro..lols)
Who woulda thought that one man's journey would've made the whole country so excited! He didn't realize back then that he was making History!
Watch video below

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