Monday, October 4, 2010

How To Capture a Man's heart Forever

I'm not Really a Lovey-Dovey Relationship  Guru  but these words here Really caught my attention and i found myself reading them  and they were Worth reading ....Written by Compfis Keya

CONFIDENCE: If you get anything from this blog, walk away with this one: have utmost confidence in yourself. Believe in yourself and show it. Walk with your head up and don't let things he tells you influence you too much. Never let anyone make you feel bad about yourself. Having confidence counts more than looking good. Everything you do, do with a little audacity - anything you mess up with too much audacity can be repaired or overlooked with a little more audacity.

LOOK GOOD most of the time. I'm not saying you have to always wear makeup and be all done up. But I can't tell you how many times I've seen women looking crazy in front of their men. Not good. Brush your hair, wear something other than sweats all day. Be stylish - nice clothes (not necessarily expensive), sunglasses, jewelry, heels. Believe me, it makes a difference. On some days, go all out and make yourself look your very best. It will keep him on his toes and make him remember what he's got especially if you sometimes do this on a day when you're going out without him. STAY IN SHAPE LADIES! I don't know how to stress that enough! It is important! It's important for your own self esteem, and for the way he will view you. Plus it's good for your health. (later, I'll have a blog on how to look your best, so keep in touch)

KEEP IT LIGHT. Have a good sense of humor without being a total clown. Break his balls. Tease him (but not about sensitive issues). Use humor to diffuse an argument or a tense situation. Ladies, a sense of humor is so important! It's one of the main keys. A sense of humor will endear him to you almost more than anything else. "The couple that laughs together, stays together" - is my moto - because it keeps things light and not too heavy, which always makes guys run the other direction.

CONTROL YOUR THOUGHTS. Don't make him god in your mind. Stop thinking about him all day long. If you give someone else control of your mind, you've lost control and you've lost perspective. We really can control our emotions if we're careful about the thoughts we allow. If you put him above yourself in your thoughts, then you've lost control. You come first. Always remember that. In his mind he comes first, in yours you should. A girl who puts herself first in her own mind will be more stimulating and attractive to him because he can't quite conquer her. Keep that edge. Stop worrying about, "Does he like me?" "What does he think of me?" - the question should be "Do I like him?" "What do I think of him?" Put yourself first. If you're not happy, he's not treating you the way you want to be treated, be willing to walk away. Then you hold the power.
Have a slightly DETACHED DEMEANOR about you. Let him wonder what you're thinking about. Don't appear to care so much. Don't try to change him - have a "devil-may-care" attitude. This will make him wonder if everything's ok, if you're thinking about someone else, if you care about him - wondering is good. It will keep him on his toes.

Don't do for him. GET HIM TO DO FOR YOU. Many women think that the way to a man's heart is to do things for him: cook for him, clean for him, give him money. Ladies, wise up! The more you do for him, the more he will take you for granted and take advantage of you. I studied indepth the psychology behind relationships, and one of the main things is, the person that does the most in the relationship falls more in love. So all you're doing is making yourself more in love with him! You're not changing the way he feels about you at all except teach him that you're desperately trying to do anything for him. Stop it, and get him to do stuff for you. That will make him love you more. Ever notice the nice guy's always doing this and that for his bitchy girlfriend, and he's so in love with her? Well now you know her secret.

Always GIVE HIM A LITTLE BIT LESS than he gives you. If he calls 2 times a day, call him back only once. If he doesn't answer his phone, don't answer yours. If you're not the only girl he's seeing, don't let him be the only guy you are. Never let a guy know you're more into him than he is into you - he'll take advantage cause he knows he's got you.

DON'T REWARD BAD BEHAVIOR. If he's being rude or disrespectful, don't be nice, don't cook, don't fold his laundry - in other words, don't reward him. If you do, he'll continue it. In fact, I don't recommend you do these things for a man at all, but if you're going to do them, definitely don't do them if he's not on his best behavior.

STOP ARGUING ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING. You want the relationship to leave a good impression on him when he leaves YOUR house (that's right, don't live with him if you're not married - bad news for women - see "Psychology Today"). If the relationship turns too negative, he's more likely to leave you or cheat. So keep it positive most of the time. Let the little things go and stop picking at them. I think half the things couples argue over are not worth arguing about. Besides, nagging doesn't work. SPEAK WITH YOUR ACTIONS and with the way you carry yourself. If you want him to do something, ask him. If after the second time you ask him he doesn't, speak with your actions. Don't answer your phone; stay out later, go with your friends. Just don't argue over it. Don't get emotional about stuff and state your position calmly and let your actions speak the rest. If he feels like he's losing you he'll listen up.
BE VULNERABLE sometimes and TOUGH other times. If you always act bitchy and in control, he'll be tough with you. But if you show your soft, vulnerable side sometimes, he'll soften up and the man inside him will want to protect you and nurture you. If you tend to be strong and aggressive, develop your soft, feminine side. But if you tend to be sweet and nice, develop your strong, exotic side. This will spice things up and keep things balanced. (When a man thinks you're real strong, he'll be harsher with you and not give you much of a break cause he doesn't see and realize you are actually very fragile inside. And when a man thinks you're too nice, he'll start taking you for granted and stepping all over you.)

DON'T REVEAL sensitive information about yourself in the beginning, such as if you have emotional problems. He'll run the other way. And never at any time tell him how many guys you've slept with, especially if you've been with a lot.

DON'T COMPLAIN TO YOUR FAMILY about him or tell them negative things about him, and don't tell him bad things about them either. When there's going to be an argument, things could get real ugly fast, and if they say the wrong things to each other they may never truly forgive each other. Better talk to your friends instead. They're likely to be more understanding.

DON'T GIVE UP YOUR LIFE, EVER! Have your own friends and interests outside of the relationship. Don't drop your life, friends, or interests for him. Ladies, how many times have we completely ignored our friends just to call them cause we're having a relationship emergency? And then once we make up with our man, we forget our friends again. Stop doing this. A man likes a girl who has a life and her own friends. Oh, and don't bore your friends by constantly talking about him either. Be a real friend.

ONE STEP BACKWARD, TWO STEPS BACK. If he takes a step backward (doesn't call, is very late, disrespects you), you take two steps back (take a long time to call him back, etc. anything he does, you do it back to him, it's the only way they listen - nagging doesn't work). The worst thing you can do is start calling him more or giving him more attention and reward his bad behavior. No. Take your own steps back, and it will wake him up fast and put him back on his toes.

DON'T FREAK OUT. Recognize the balance of power will shift from you to him back and forth, just keep it more on your side. Sometimes he'll seem to be uninterested in you, he may even tell you he's having doubts. Don't let those times get the best of you. Just do your own thing and act like you don't care that much, and he will come your way - let HIM be the one who freaks out.

DON'T ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE. Use selective absence to build passion in your man's mind. Don't always be there. When you're always there, he takes you for granted. But when he has a chance to miss you, he will. If you have your own life and interests, you won't always be there.
BE A LITTLE UNPREDICTABLE. Have an intense, passionate, tough side; and a sweet, calm, laid-back side. Don't be one way only. This will add variety to the relationship and keep it a little interesting. When things get too predictable, guys lose interest. When you do something he doesn't expect, it will jolt him into paying attention again. If you feel he's losing interest, change things up a bit. Keep him in a bit of a state of suspense.
Don't be afraid to EXPRESS YOUR ANGER and express how you feel. Don't be afraid to get a little crazy. Men need a little drama. It's very sexually stimulating for them. They say they hate it, but don't believe a word of it. Think of their greatest loves, how do they describe her? One word: bitch. Just be careful that you don't overdo it.
Ladies, DON'T GIVE IT UP TOO SOON. If you have sex too soon, good luck becoming his girl - you have to have a lot of game to pull that off. Most guys, even the players, don't want an easy girl; and if they already had it, then they will usually lose interest in "getting to know you." But by holding off for a few dates, you give him a chance to get to know and love the real you, and you inadvertently become his girlfriend. Besides, you'll be weeding out the ones that only want sex.

BE SEXY and ALLURING. Don't withhold sex for days. Men need sex to feel close to you and to diffuse tension. Be sexual. Give it to him. Be passionate in bed.
MAINTAIN YOUR INDEPENDENCE: have your own money, your own apartment, a babysitter for the kids. (he shouldn't be able to feel like he can be out all night but you're stuck home with the kid - he should know at any time you could go out all night too) Be ready to walk away at any time if you don't get what you want from the relationship, and he should know this, it will keep him on his toes.

If any man accepts money from you, beware, and do these things to protect yourself: DON'T TAKE CARE OF A MAN FINANCIALLY, ever! It WILL NOT make him love you more, no matter what he says with his words. He will end up using you and disrespecting you. If you have more money than he does (probably cause he can't hold down a job or is a big spender), don't ever tell him this - he'll figure out a way to spend your money. If you have a high credit score, don't ever tell him - he'll ask you to cosign for a Ferrari. Pretend like you don't have a lot of money. DON'T BE A SUCKER. I know I should tell you not to even be with a guy like this, but if you're going to be with one, at least protect yourself. This goes back to what I said about doing for him vs. him doing for you. Get him to do for you or you're in trouble.
GIVE HIM PLENTY OF SPACE, or the appearance of it. Don't appear to expect him to check in with you, and don't check in with him either. Let him watch sports with the guys and don't bother him. You'll do well if you learn to be a sports fan yourself. That way you can sometimes join the guys and his friends will love having a girl around; he'll notice how they're eyeing you. And don't try to change him - give him space to be himself. Ask yourself, "In the long term, is this really that important?" - chances are, it's not, so let it go. The relationship's more important.

BE SWEET and treat him like a baby sometimes. Men LOVE this. Baby talk to him. Call him your "little baby," touch him gently, tell him he's your sweetie, your "little one." I know it sounds crazy, but most of guys I know love this even if they would never admit it. HOWEVER!!! only do this after you know for sure he loves you. Anytime sooner and you'll risk committing a major no-no.

BE MORE LIKE A GUY. Don't get too emotional over stuff. Don't talk about the relationship too much. Avoid talking about your "issues" too much. Speak with your actions instead of words. Who cares anyway? Ladies stop making such a big deal about little things. Life will be much easier and move smoother.

PLANT SEEDS IN HIS MIND of what you want, expect, and will not tolerate. When he disrespects you in a small way, quickly put him in his place and let him know what's up: "If you ever disrespect me, I will disrespect you three times worse! Just remember that. Cheat on me, and I will cheat on you with the person that will embarrass you the most! Even if it will be disgusting to me I will do it just cause you did it to me" Don't worry if he calls you a slut and storms out. He'll get over it. But your words will haunt him and when he's about to do something and he'll think twice. Think of how many times they tell us if we ever cheat on them it's over, and how few times we tell them; and let's face it, who are the cheaters? If we were tougher on them about how we feel about that, they would be less likely to do it.

NOW FOR THE SECRET.....THE KEY TO A GOOD RELATIONSHIP: There is one secret that is more important than all the others. The secret is: choose a good man. It seems obvious, but how many times have we tried to make it work with a player, a jerk, a liar. Ladies, make a list of the things that you want in a man and keep it in mind. Some day it will give you the strength to leave a bad relationship. And some day you will meet the man who has those qualities - don't ever let him go. A bad boy is attractive for a time, but all the heartache, all the tears, the lost years, the fatherless children he leaves you with, they are not worth the temporary fun you'll have. Be careful and choose well.

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