Sunday, October 17, 2010

Booze Prank on Air Gets Finnish News Reader Sacked

Mr Wilska, most well-known English-language anchor, got in trouble after he tried to give a story he was delivering about Finland’s licensing laws a bit of extra fizz.While recorded footage showing beer being pulled was broadcast, Mr Wilska whipped out a brew in the studio – a gag intended not for broadcast, but to make the crew laugh...and I thought it was pretty funny lol..Check it below...


Looking alarmed, he put the bottle down, spilling some on his suit as he did so, and wrapped up the show. It was just prank Gosh, wel he might have violated rules and regulations but his bosses are oturaged.A facebook page showing support for the beer-sipping anchor is fermenting nicely, with over 44,000 supporters so far...Chuckles...Beer anybody?..

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