Sunday, October 10, 2010

Google Automated cars!!

Have you heard of the Google Automated cars? I like to call them 'Robot Cars' This car drives itself baby, you can be sitting on front drinking a coke, textin, watchin a Nigerian movie, tweetin. ...Mwendo wa Miguu Juu

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin wanted to solve really big problems (like Traffic) using technology.The goal with the Google autonomous car is to help prevent traffic accidents, free up people’s time  and reduce carbon emissions.It  uses video cameras, radar sensors and a laser range finder to “see” other traffic, as well as detailed maps (which we collect using manually driven vehicles) to navigate the road ahead. This is all made possible by Google’s data centers, which can process the enormous amounts of information gathered by our cars when mapping their terrain.
This is a Video of the  Automated car at its best

Google Computer-Driven Prius from Ben Tseitlin on Vimeo.

The Google automated car just drove from the Google headquarters in Mountain View to the Google Santa Monica office and on to Hollywood Boulevard. The car has driven down Lombard Street, crossed the Golden Gate bridge, navigated the Pacific Coast Highway, and even made it all the way around Lake Tahoe. The Google self-driving cars have already logged over 140,000 miles.

I swear, this Idea reminds of of the movie  I-Robot...This is how it all starts first cars, Human-like Robots, then Automated aircraft..Oh Gad i can see it coming! (Yes I watch too much Movies and its slowly affecting me) sometimes i wish i could just appear and dissapear in places like in Harry Potter or Something, but Automated AirCrafts, God Forbid if they're ever invented, they would just be a scheme to get me off air, i have enough problems flying. 
Random Thought;I wonder if it will still be a crime to drink and Drive in an Automated car? 

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