Thursday, October 7, 2010

Forbes World's most Powerful women list

Forbes came out with this list of world's most powerful women but i dont side with 
I think there are more powerful women than this in the whole  world Doncha think? 
Forbes divided there search into four main groups, business, politics, media and lifestyle (also known as entertainment, fashion and sports.) They then ranked each candidate within their individual category and then compared group against group. They expressed that this process was not easy but reflects the “unpredictable, diverse mash-up of hard power (currencies and constitutions) and dynamic power (audience and audacity).”

And Lady Gaga Topped Beyonce? How? I'll Tell you how, Last year Beyoncé’s income  $80 million of the singer’s extensive business empire. 118 million records sold, seven films, 16 Grammy awards and numerous MTV Video Music Awards. Her modeling contracts include L’Oréal, Vizio and Coty. She is also in partnership with her mother Tina with their Deréon fashion line . While Gaga's massive ‘Monsters Ball’ tour is predicted to rake in $200 million in revenue by April’s end in 2011. Forbes has now crowned the 24-year-old as the “new queen of pop”

Michelle Obama topped the list, First African-American First lady in the white house

1. Michelle Obama - First Lady, US
2. Irene Rosenfeld - CEO, Kraft Foods, US
3. Oprah Winfrey - Talk show host and media mogul, US
4. Angela Merkel - Chancellor, Germany
5. Hillary Clinton - Secretary of State, US
6. Indra Nooyi - CEO, PepsiCo, US
7. Lady Gaga - Singer and entertainer, US
8. Gail Kelly - CEO, Westpac, Australia
9. Beyoncé Knowles - Singer and fashion designer, US
10. Ellen DeGeneres - Talk show host, U
The Rest of The list goes like This , still cant believe they put Angie on 21..Come on Forbes!!

11. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, U.S.
12. Angela Braly, Chief Executive, Wellpoint
13. Janet Napolitano, Secretary, Homeland Security, U.S.
14. Cynthia Carroll, Chief Executive, Anglo American
15. Sheila Bair, Chair, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
16. Sarah Palin, Political maverick and commentator
17. Mary Schapiro, Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission
18. Ellen Kullman, Chief Executive, DuPont
19. Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court Justice, U.S.
20. Ursula Burns, Chief Executive, Xerox
21. Angelina Jolie, Actor and UN Goodwill Ambassador
22. Katie Couric, News anchor
23. Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary, Health & Human Services
24. Anne Lauvergeon, Chief Executive, Areva
25. Elena Kagan, Supreme Court Justice, U.S.

And where the hell is J.k Rowling?The author of the record smashing Harry Potter Books. She is the first ever self made billionaire author in history, let alone self made female billionaire author.She's sold over 400 million copies world wide in 200 countries and her work has captivated readers in no less than 69 languages. Her last book ‘Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows,’ was the fasted selling book of all time. This woman has done more for literacy than anyone else on the planet!
She has donated millions upon millions to charities as well as setting up her own. She is passionate about all human rights but hold MS (Multiple sclerosis) charities, single parent charities and children charities most close to her heart. I think she deserved space in this list

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