Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lest We Forget, Rwandan Genocide

Its been 17 years since the horrifying incident of in our sister country Rwanda....1 million killed in 100 days
Humans have war, as well as you have peace. We have love, as well as you have loathing – loathing as well as fear. Those dual have been the killers. Orchestrate loathing as well as fear, as well as humans have genocide. European colonialists used fright as well as loathing to cut an rent low in to Rwanda to order as well as conquer. It was never authorised to reanimate as well as became the subtext for multitude prolonged after the white rulers done their exit. In 1994, genealogical animosity in between Hutus as well as Tutsis was politically manipulated to the state of vicious mass. Between 500,000 as well as 1 million people were slaughtered in the camber of 3 months regulating plantation implements as weapons. The murdering by the Hutu interahamwe was committed face-to-face, neighbor-against-neighbor, as well as infrequently even brother-against-brother.
Sometime in April Flashback, a movie based on the 1994 Genocide

From Nina, My Rwandan Muse
Today we are stronger, we are lovelier, we are more united than we were 17 years ago. We Love we appreciate, brother to brother, sister to sister... we lived past that, we believe we have long past that it is a history that will haunt us, but only that...this history has been buried as we move further towards our development, further towards uplifting this nation....
Remembering My Friends in Rwanda by the river, Rwanda Genocide....
On another note, we dont sit down and lick our wounds, we stand we walk and we move process, we heal, slowly but we do...
Rwanda a Success Story....

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