Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Animal Cruelty to the Extreme

I am against all forms of animal cruelty.. i could be a Vegetarian but the Bible clearly stated we eat them..(it did right? Im so sure i read something like that in Bible knowledge couple of years back, And im one of those Christians that follow the readings.. *grins*) Plus we humans worked too damn hard to get to the top of the food chain to eat grass (please forgive me vegetarians) But thiis...this is despicable.. I cannot stand it, it made me sick to my stomach.. These guys gives cockroaches a bad name..They should rot in jail and have authorities take that Elephant away, I dont think these wild animals should be used in circuses anyway.... Anne the Elephant who was kept at Bobby Robert's Super Circus.. Britain.. she's been in the circus for 50 years, imagine what a miserable life she's lived.. i say no to using these wild animals as forms of no no..

and the music makes it even sadder to watch

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