Tuesday, April 5, 2011

And Then She wrote

I haven’t written for a while, yes ..it has been pointed out to me and I agree... GOsh and i couldnt even come up with a descent title for this post! Just incase you're wondering the squinty eyes, my eyes arent usually that small,I just couldn't find a descent picture too...Whats up with wednesdays right?!...nothing has been pushing me write, Infact, I haven’t been inspired for a loooong time…in between the tests and presentations from professors who want us prove every statement out of our mouths like CSI…theres been no time to stop and notice everything around me and note something down. So I thought today….hey, lets write!
I’m big dreamer, I can say that coz I have witnessed the present dance right infront of me and get close enough to poke my eye in the inside and I was still stuck somewhere in la la land picturizing what’d I want to be doing in 10 years, thinking of changes and imagining a different world..Do you  that too? Just curious…I always tell people how its good to have a plan, but what if you plan too much? What if you prepare for the future and never for the present you live the present passing by, waiting for a future… and these are your memories. Im not saying its bad to be dreamer, I’m just saying don’t forget to wake up.
I always do, when Im walking with my head in the clouds imagining yes imagining, oh all the things I could do, no I never see the present, Its just a state to me.  That has come to bite me once or twice, forgetting that this future doesn’t come on its own..that we make it with this very present..
Am I babbling too much and it doesn’t seem to make sense?  Dream large…just when the morning comes, wake up, walk…dance…scream…laugh…

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