Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Jesus Images Across the world..

 True Christian that i am , when I hear things like this, it scares me...a little people from across the world are reporting to be seeing Jesus images... In Louisiana  this image was spotted that this telegraph pole bears a resemblance to Jesus on the cross

The resemblance was reported by drivers on Highway 26 in rural Jeff Davis parish.
One of them, Rickey Navarre, told US television station KPLC: “It just caught my eye. I said to myself that sure looks like an image of Jesus hanging from the telephone pole."

 In July however, his ‘face’ was spotted in an image picked up by Google Earth .
A man from Southampton spotted the outline in satellite pictures of a field on farmland near Puspokladany in Hungary

In April, a family claimed to have seen his image in a discarded piece of chewing gum

after Nelly Noden, from Plymouth, Devon, left it on the mantelpiece on Good Friday, only for it to have turned into his ‘face’ when she returned.
 As well gum, his face has also turned up on a naan bread, in Esher, Surrey claimed David Howlet..
In household accessories -  apparently he appeared in burned bacon fat 
at the bottom of a frying pan, when Toby Elles, from Salford, Lancs, burned food when he fell asleep while cooking.
 And at the Glasgow branch of Ikea, specifically in the men’s toilet of the Swedish furniture giant
 say what you want but this one looks like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings! There's no convincing me on this one!
 As if thats not creepy enough a photo released by Nasa in September 2009 appeared to show his Holiness on the surface of Mars.
 What I wanna know is are they real or just a bunch of people messing with us? Remember nobody knows what Jesus looks like, we just know what we've always portrayed him as, what we imagine he looks like so how can these people say they've seen 'his face'? as much i wasn't to believe some of them like the Louisiana pic, which is the only one i do half-heartedly believe the rest juts sounds like some phony, Gum, naan bread? Really? And from what i know our brains are designed to pick out familiar forms and shapes from chaotic input. There are trillions of combinations of light, shadow, dark Its only logical that we find familiar shapes & faces in random events...
Heck I remember I once  saw Hitler in a Bagel  and John Travolta dancing in my Coffee..its brain science..Its just like when you look at theclouds in the sky you form patterns and your brain makes a picture but its not rili there.

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