Monday, December 6, 2010

Digital DEath pays off!

After six days of being completely silent on Twitter and Facebook  and Usher and Alicia breaking the rules by tweeting  in an effort to raise money to fight HIV/AIDS around the world, the 18 participating celebrities regained their digital lives.
Keep A Child Alive, the parent organization of the Digital Death campaign, struck the $1,000,000 mark today  on Monday leading the celebs  to return to grace us with their tweets and facebook presences.
In an incredible show of devotion to the cause, a generous donation was made by billionaire Stewart Rahr, also known as Stewie Rah Rah, to help reach the $1 million goal.
The money collected by Keep A Child Alive will aid in the following:
• Provide their clinic in Uganda with everything they need to care for more than 7,000 people living with HIV/AIDS for an entire year.
• Run their child rescue program in South Africa for the next 3 years, bringing justice to hundreds of children victimized by rape, and protecting thousands more.
• Provide a year’s supply of medicine, food, care and support to 1500 children in South Africa, orphaned by AIDS or living in child-headed households.
• Expand the programs at their safe-house project in India to more than 1,000 people, helping them regain their health and overcome the stigma of living with HIV/AIDS for 5 years.

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