Monday, November 21, 2011

Maybe aid orgs need to quit the aid porn

Yes... aid porn...thats what it is..images of children with big bellies and starving people, it needs to be scratched, but i fear this image needs to be scrapped not by anyone else but Africans themselves by 'the development process' because some of those happen, till date...and these orgs are trying to help...but the way do it tsk tsk tsk...
From LiveAid Netherlands, Parcival interviewed some guys in the street on all the aid porn aid organizations sell to the world..
For years, aid organisations have used the negative image of the pitiful hungry child for fundraising. Compassion and remorse seduce people to (financial) support. Over 60 years the aid industry has been communicating this way - and still is! Since Bob Geldoff and LiveAid little has changed. The people on the street confirm this. "I get sick of it. Can't it be done differently? We always see the same image of starving children looking for food in the garbage. Where is the money we send to them?" It has become implausible. People are ready for a different picture, a different approach.
Aid in Africa - which image comes to your mind?

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