Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Channel Spring/Summer 2011

One thing about the Fashion show that I noted was was rainbow colors, they're everywhere! And they used a white background to make them stand out and blend and scream how smart.
So take note, rainbow colors, with a background of white so each color can shine on its own
If your gonna wear something short, let it go extra short 
 Leather thigh-high socks, knitted tunics, lace trousers, jeans with funny dots, suits that comprised classic-style jackets and very short shorts, floral dresses – all looked refreshing and stylish. But I liked the details more: hat-shaped umbrellas, leather bracelets, fingerless gloves, clutches reminding of schoolbag design, and open-toed patterned ankle boots.
Very feminine and colorful

This goes to show, you dont have to show al that skin to be beautiful, just be feminine and colorful, i loved this collection, the designs werent that striking but the blend of colors caught me eye

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