Monday, October 3, 2011

Dar Earns Top Marks in Use of Aid

Dar es Salaam. Tanzania and Rwanda have topped a global survey meant to determine how well foreign aid is used by recipients.The two countries excelled in the survey conducted by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 78 countries and territories that get most of the aid. The findings released last Friday in Paris give Rwanda and Tanzania an ‘A’ rating, which is the highest score. Rwanda got top marks from its development partners for “owning its development process by initiating its own policies, then asking the donor community to fund them”. 
I've heard and read alot  about the excellent use of aid for the better in Rwanda,(In fact just last week I wrote a report on the success of Rwanda being the fastest developing nation in EA) so I'm familiar with that...but DAR...
 aint that a Shocker...

There's a downside to aid tho...
The Survey notes that some donors still tie aid – imposing restrictions on where goods and services must be bought or contracted, often in the donor country, instead of allowing the developing country to choose the best offer at the best price.Tied aid increases the cost of development projects by 20 to 30 per cent reducing value for money, say the researchers.  

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