Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Blog!

Medical student William Otuck made it his mission to support and start a platform for for an awareness page,to inform and support, and be an eye opener to  HIV/AIDs, STIs and sexual & reproductive Health, motivating everyone to use available health resources.
He says...
The blog is about raising  (esp to young people) awareness about HIV/AIDs, STIs and sexual & reproductive Health, motivating them to use the available health services for those problems, bring together those who are affected or being infected by HIV to a single society so as to give strenght to each other, promoting prevention of the diseases and healthy positive living.
what  i expect  is more people to follow the blog and automatically creating a community (or a social club) where people will be like meeting and have discussions, helping each other, getting help from the expertise and ofcouse sharing their experiences...


BloggingForChange....right there

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