Monday, July 4, 2011

When we weigh Down Cause And Effect

The photos in this slide show (Video) were provided by the communities impacted by Barrick's operations and journalists who have visited Barrick-impacted areas. If you would like to know more information about any of these photos.. And The Man in the video is Peter Munk the Barrick Gold Founder.  

stumbled upon  this on Kibogoji and it caught my interest...
The cause which he speaks for in favor for his company is good, we need more people to give more than aids, we need opportunities...we need released potential, As Much as I hate to to put shade on aid industries but providing people with jobs is more effective than providing them with aid. But when we weight down Barrick Gold's it worth it?

Social Impact Assessments also help us to identify sustainable development opportunities in the communities where we operate. Barrick’s sustainable development programs typically contribute to educational and health service improvements in communities around our mining operations. As well, we assist with non-mining related economic development and community initiatives, hire locally and purchase goods and services in the region whenever possible. In this way, Barrick ensures that local community members share in the benefits of mining.
 Criticisms include poisonous spills of cyanidemercury and other heavy metals, leading to environmental damage and the poisoning of human populations.

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