Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Never, I Repeat...Never use the Presidents Toilet...thats like Murder!

This is the Funniest thing I've heard all morning.. Policeman gets jailed for using Mugabe's Toilet... I beg I beg Sir.. but why use Mugabe's reserved little boys room....

And then he sat there, for 2 hours... My people it is things like these if go unpunished..will paint a picture that we entertain people ...who use our toilets!.

Relatives of a the policeman jailed in Zimbabwe for using a toilet reserved for President Robert Mugabe are appealing for his release, coz apparently there are no laws against using 'a presidents toilet' well there will be, very very soon.. all over the continent....Death Penalty,lols
The policeman, Alois Mabhunu, was arrested last month in the city of Bulawayo after he used a special presidential toilet at a trade fair when Mr. Mugabe visited Bulawayo for the opening of the annual Zimbabwe international trade fair. He was on duty and was caught short and really really needed to use the loo..but the presidents loo?..Thats like..Murder! A police court on Wednesday ordered his imprisonment for 10 days.Zimbabwean human rights lawyers said there was no law forbidding people from using the president's toilet.

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