Saturday, June 4, 2011

Miriam Odemba's Interview with Sporah

Tanzania's Beauty queen Miriam who was Miss Earth Air 2008 interview with Sporah Njau's i-Magazine...
she talks about Her Fiance, her baby , her career, baby weight and the whole 'Tanzanian girls want White men' syndrome and mooore...Juicy Juicy!
These are bits and pieces I loved from the interview..for the full interview go to i-Magazine
About Her Fiance
How did you and Laurent meet?

MO: I met Laurent whilst travelling in Hong Kong .

iMag: What’s the most romantic thing Laurent ever done for you?

MO: Laurent is french and as you know they are extremely romantic so I couldn't choose just one thing but I will say that I am the happiest woman in the planet right now.

Proudly Tanzanian
iMag: What makes you proud to be a Tanzanian?

MO: I am so proud to be Tanzanian. Tanzania is not poor but it is poorly managed. I hope my young brother Jeremiah Kagose will one day manage everything so that we can have a better Tanzania without corruption.

About being Mommy
iMag: What do you love most about being a mommy?

MO: Being a mother has made me more responsible. It is hard work but I believe that a mother is the 'engine' of the family. I am much happier as a mother and am really enjoying motherhood.

iMag: What do you think of today's young mothers?

MO: Mothers today are still fashionable. We can be great mothers as well as beautiful wives. It doesn't have to be one or the other. It is wonderful to be a mother, to bring another human being into this world. It is truly a blessing.
iMag: What is your biggest fear about being a Mommy?

MO: I was afraid of the birthing process but because of my renewed faith in God I found peace. Don't be afraid to become a mother. It is a wonderful gift from God.

iMag: Have you ever thought you couldn't cope with a child! and why?

MO: I never felt that way as becoming a mother has strengthened me and made me feel complete. Motherhood has not slowed me down at all... I think that as women, we are created to have children and if we embrace is an awesome thing.
iMag: What bothers you most about your career now after having a child?

MO: Most women are afraid of change...they are afraid of changing jobs they don't like or changing boyfriends that they can't stand. You need to know your worth. The day you settle for less is the day you will get less. I say - embrace change because you never know what lies around the corner.

She's Religious... 
iMag: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

MO: 1st is to wake up in the morning and be grateful to God for keeping you here, alive and healthy. 2nd is to give.

iMag: Do you have any regrets?

MO: No I am a born again Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ and He has wiped my past mistakes away.

 About Young Girls attitude towards Tanzanian Men
iMag: Some young girls in Tanzania now have negative attitude towards Tanzanian men! Its like girls want to be like Miriam Odemba and marry
a white rich guy! What do you think about this?

MO: Everyone is different and has different tastes. I love Laurent so much and it doesn't matter to me that he is white. Love doesn't know colour. We all have our choices in life that we have to make. I would simply say that you have to live your life in the way that is right for you. Don't try to be like anyone else. Live YOUR life.

About her Career 

iMag: Did anyone in the modeling industry ask you to change your look?

MO: No and I will never change my look. I love and I do enjoy being me.

iMag: What do you love a part from modelling?

MO: Taking pictures... going to museums like the Louvre, spending time with my friends and my family, shopping, eating good food. My best friend Narola from childhood has opened up a cupcake business: Arusha Cupcakes. She makes the yummiest cupcakes! You have to try it!

( Okay The Tanzanian girls want white men syndrome thing...I personally think love should have nothing to do with color and in love,we see no color so dont put words in my lil 'joke')

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