Saturday, June 4, 2011

Cadbury Apologizes to Naomi

Its all good for Naomi now...the controversial Cadbury bliss chocolate ad has pressured Cadbury to apologize
I bet she had a Louis Armstrong smile when she finally heard the apology statement...
She Naomi accepted the apology through her lawyers and said that she is pleased that they finally apologized but added, ”It is also a shame that it took so long for Cadbury to offer this apology. I hope they and other multinationals can learn from this; that offence may not be their intention, but when it is shown that it has caused offence a sincere apology straight away goes a long a way. Better still they should avoid causing offense in the first place which is best achieved by having greater diversity at board and senior management level.”

Cadbury's website company issued this statement

Cadbury understands that our latest advertising campaign for Cadbury dairy milk Bliss caused upset to  Naomi Campbell and her family. Cadbury takes its responsibility to consumers very seriously indeed and we would never deliberately produce any marketing material we felt might cause offence to any section of society. It was not our intention that this campaign should offend Naomi, her family or anybody else and we are sincerely sorry that it has done so.

We can confirm that the advertisement is no longer in circulation and we will not be using it in future marketing for Cadbury Dairy Milk Bliss.
We have been in discussions with Naomi‘s solicitors and can confirm that they have accepted our apology on her behalf as a conclusion to this issue.

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