Monday, May 9, 2011

Tanesco..this ones for you..

Jamani Finally, someone recollected their balls to sing a song about Tanesco, dont get me  wrong, saying Im not in Tzee i have no business complaining, last time I was in Dar I was mad as hell with power cuts, Infact i was gonna make a Documentary, I was emotionally tormented I tell ya...real talk! About how electricty cuts emotionally affect us, me, us...the youth..
 Tanesco in action...lights out.. yes have a little mercy...

Next time Im in Tzee and there are power cuts here and there, I'm gonna call the manager keep him on hold and play this song by Saraha
Random thought; Are there power cuts at Tanesco headquarters? Ntaganda pale one day, mpaka wakate umeme pale pia
But honestly, is it high time we started exploring our other energy resources, Donchu tink?

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