Friday, May 13, 2011

New Love Is a MindFuck!

OKAy so you read that and what did you think?
im not in this position but new love is a mind fuck.
like i dont understand why people aint upfront anymore. i always have the same notion when it comes to this. women play hard to get when really they like the guy…
guy chases..
woman runs some more…
guy grows tired and moves on..
woman cries and says ‘but i liked you’…
and like who’s fault is that really? the guy ran.. thru hoops, bought roses, champagne, a new suit, tok his car for a detail and the female stillll pretends that she doesnt like him! then when hes done… you cry?

COME ON!! this aint pre-school… men dont hit us in the playground as a sign of attraction anymore, genuine men try to woooooo you. but you feel that the harder he tries the more precious you are?
And men… nwhy dont you just come out and ask?!
i mean there’s females out there who live to break mens balls. so u spend all that time and effort on a female who really just wants to use you for all you got because she has daddy issues! oh! and shes fuxing with ur best friend.
this incident reminds me of a weekend away within the african region where i told a boy how hot he was and what i would like to do to him if ever i got the chance! i stated what i wanted and if i could get it ,. then fair enough! My entourage laughed at my upfrontness… the boy was shy and later i had a chat to the girl he was with ! lol! i didnt know they were hooking up! but you know… thats the way i think we should roll!
like why should we beat around the  bush? we really dont know whats going on in other peoples minds.. their thoughts.. their intentions! we aint mind readers you know!
but if u r .. good on ya! harness those powers and lemme know how i can obtain mine.
and then theres the instance where you both like each other! admit to it.
but then really cant get past what you want to do!
you both like each other ALOT!
but you dont wanna admit that to each other because you dont wanna seem like the weaker link you know.
Meanwhile, me, the third party, knows how much u wanna rip each other apart in a passionate locking of lips and embrace. but i have to keep my information to myself because you are still mind fucking.
trying to suss out how much the other one is really feeling!
i know we hate being vulnerable  and that but …
why not be honest?! Cos then you aint lying to nobody!
whats the worst that could happen.. he wont like you as mucha s you do but he can grow to like you.
or she will just want to sleep with you!
hey … thats a win in my book!
So why do we choose to mind fuck when we find new love?
u mind fucked in the last instance with a lover  … so why not switch it up?
try something new
beating around the bush is so old school
the new black is being upfront.
we can all read ur blogs and tweets and all of that to see how u really feeling..
so why not just go directly to the recipient?
i do love mind fucking though! only if ur the one fucking and not being fucked!

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