Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Next Big Thing in 'Dictator' Fashion...

MY friends told me a while ago how the pinstripes on Hosni Mubarak's suit (all of suits) actually was his name vertically..I thought they were kidding and i never looked into it.. My Gosh! Dictators all over better take note...this is a fashion statement! Heck this is not limited to dictators only though.. I just might write my name horizontally on my favorite shirt too...since u know, Mubarak's print-on is just too damn expensive...according to CNN The bespoke pinstripes will set you back over US$15,000 for a regular suit or $25,000 for fine cashmere...ouch...sori no Dictator money...that leaves me to pencil and ruler techniques...
I hope you dont mind this guy's very annoying Voice(below)....its the best i could find that made sense...

but will his swift fashion sense beat fellow Dictornista Kim Jong?...
One word.. Taupe!

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