Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Take on Sugu's First Parliamentary Speech

I'll have a bit of a problem referring to him as Joseph Mbillinyi, so accustomed to calling him Sugu his name seems unfamiliar. For one, congratulations, you are the first Tanzanian Artist to set foot in the Parliament...lets hope by the things you say and features you portray you wont be the last.

Tribal languages on our Media?..Huh?..can u say Kenya? Yes Kenya...where Tribal Killings were a result of TRibal Radio Stations... See here
These were just some of the bad uses of Tribal Radio Stations...Not Everyone will spread love, some will say they are better, others will even list out the worse ...see here
The need to bring forth our traditions, relive them, honor them... is great, I'm all for write books, arrange festivals, arrange games theres soo much we can do that we have never done.... build museums, build monuments, express your need to honor your tribe there are so many ways... but running our media sources with  tribal languages of our choice,not happening... why? Coz  only the Haya speak Haya...The Nyakyusa speak Nyakyusa, same for Makonde, same for Waluguru, Same for Wakinga and the rest of the120 Tribes in Tanzania... each with their own language, sure some understand each other but unlike other African countries where there are 3 main languages maybe 5 maybe 10...we have 120 and a handful of dominant ones and the undiscovered Little ones we've never heard of but as  our fathers tell us....they're there!... every region has more than 5 languages ...Isnt there anything else we can do to honor our Traditional Customs? Than...Tribal Media?Is it a bad Idea?I think so, but yet, its one way of viewing it... What do you think?..
And Jando na Unyago...Is it of any help if children attend at an inappropriate let them go to school, but at least he approved that some should be a certain age for it.

Video Credits: Issa Michuzi

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