Sunday, April 10, 2011

The 500 Note Is a Top Secret Code For the Miracle Ex-Pastor Of Lolliondo?

I was reading a post on how 500 note our Babu of Lolliondo is demanding for for the cure all potion might actually have meaning for it, I like everyone else who doesnt understand why one would change such a price for a cure all potion.. and Well Chambi Chachage's explanation seemed to make sense...
So Basically He was saying..see this 500 note
That stick with the snake curled around it is the staff (the rod) of Aesculapius (also called Asklepios), the ancient god of medicine. His Greek name was Asklepios and his Roman name Aesculapius. In reality, Asklepios may have been a real person who was renowned for his gentle, humane remedies and his humane treatment of the mentally ill. His followers established temples called asclepions, temples of Asklepios, temples of healing. The greatest asklepion was in a grove of trees south of Corinth, Greece where the sick had to spend a night while the proper remedies were revealed during a dream to the priests of the temple and the cured had to make a suitable sacrifice (usually a rooster) to the god. According to mythology, Asculapius had a number of children including Hygieia, the goddess of health (from whose name comes the word ""hygiene"") and Panaceia, the godess of healing (from whose name comes the word ""panacea"" for a universal remedy).Today, the staff of Aesculapius is a commonly used symbol of medicine. It is the symbol of the American Medical Association (AMA) and many other medical societies

Could he be demanding the 500 notes out of Orders (From above) Is it a Conspiracy? Does this have meaning behind it...that the collection of these notes with the sign of healing or whatsoever....What about the ones who gave coins? Is he a Wizard? (As Speculated)..Will I lose 10 pounds before Summer?...Oh,Sorry ....i got carried away..anyway...
Well heres a Discussion of Our Babu on Clouds FM
Follow the rest of the conversation on Youtube...

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