Saturday, March 5, 2011

When its Dangerous to be 'Black' in North Africa....

When I say North Africa, I really mean Libya, You'd never thought that somewhere in Africa it'd be dangerous to be black right? Wrong...

at this hour, its Libya and its dangerous due to the protests
Many African migrant workers report that they have been attacked by anti-government protesters, after having been mistaken for mercenaries hired by Gaddafi.
They say that their businesses have been attacked, and residents of Benghazi, an opposition stronghold say they are too afraid to even venture out of their houses.

But Then Black Mercenaries, Fact Or Fiction?
Well Gaddafi denied it, saying there are Libyans of all color, light dark skinned and mixed origin...but anyway...this is the same guy who claimed 'His people loved him and the ones causing the ruckus was Al-Qaeda' so scratch his opinion....

The most valid evidence of the presence of "black African mercenaries" comes from the "liberated cities" of Banghazi and Al-Bayda, where tens of sub-Saharan Africans have been captured in combat and are held in detention. Their confiscated ID cards indicate the alleged mercenaries are mostly from neighbouring Niger and Chad, but also from Sudan and other sub-Saharan countries.
Though all Neighboring countries denied all allegations, From Chad, Niger , to Nigeria denied claims of these Pro-Gaddafi Fighters..Infact
 Western journalists now present in Al-Bayda and Benghazi indicate that the stories about captured sub-Saharan "mercenaries" may be exaggerated or even false. Journalists have been allowed to see some captured "mercenaries", who however were too afraid to speak to them or anybody else.
According to a United Nations Human Rights statement – ‘Libya must end its practices of racial discrimination against black Africans, particularly its racial persecution of two million black African migrant workers. There is substantial evidence of Libya’s pattern and practice of racial discrimination against migrant workers
Read more About African Mercenaries in Libya Here..Fact or Fiction n Racism? you decide

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