Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Whats Going On In Your City?

This is panel is for everyone out there all over the world who wants to share happenings in their city and maybe their views, their thoughts about them. No limits, You can share just about anything happening in your city at the moment. Just send a picture or two  of the event or happening alongside ur views and the city you're in..Stating your name and age would really help as well. You can attach your photo too If' you'd like to. It can be just about anything, a good party you attended, eruption of trouble in some areas, political, economical, social, environmental...just about anything you'd like to share with us! Maybe You met celeb who' was recently in your city. or a charity dinner you attended why you weren't for its cause and what you think about it. ..Just about anything.
 It doesn't matter what part of the world you're from, I just want us to all share our views on all these happenings. Feel free to write in just about any language! send it over to me at 
I Hope this connects us more globally! I'm looking forward to your contribution!

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