Monday, January 17, 2011

Rhino poaching in South Africa reaches all-time high

Killings continue unabated in first days of 2011. Rhino poaching averages nearly one per day in 2010
January 2011. A total of 333 rhinos were illegally killed in South Africa in 2010, including ten critically endangered black rhinos, according to national park officials. The yearly total is the highest ever experienced in South Africa and nearly three times the 2009 figure when 122 rhinos were killed in the country. An additional five rhinos have been lost to poaching since the New Year. 
Mind you,Black rhinos are listed as critically endangered with only about 4,200 remaining in existence, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Approximately 1,670 black rhinos were believed to be living in South Africa 
MY God!! do these people sleep in the night figuring out new ways to kill innocent animals!? I'm getting so infuriated the higher the numbers, honestly, any man who shall be caught poaching should be shot in the leg once or twice and in the ass area as well. Its highly unfair what they're doing to these animals and to Wildlife. 

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