Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Queen steps in Willy and Kate's Wedding Plans

Queen Elizabeth II wasn't to happy about Williams Royal engagement, apparently the Queen found out on TV like everybody else and wasnt too happy about that, she wanted to be consulted first...Ouch...But as a queen your suppposed to have that priviledge of knowing things first...init?

Then the Queen was also dissapointed that Kate Middleton didnt want the traditional Horse carriage for her wedding... she wanted to arrive in westminister in a kidding....not a Lambo ..just a car, we're not sure which type yet..Though I was hoping Something Ferrari-like.
Yvonne Yorke the royal reporter says it was not long after the Queen brought up the question of transport that she also implored the king-to-be to be a little more discerning with his decision-making process, asking him, "At what point do you stop being trendy and start being realistic?"
 Like thats not enough..When Prince William first brought up the idea of a breakfast buffet at Buckingham Palace to his grandmother, the Queen said simply that she would  ahem ahem..'consider the idea' As we now know, that was apparently good enough for the prince, as he later announced the reception news via Twitter...ha ha...Wily Willy Willy!

Another point of issue between the royals is the later reception that will take place after the vow swap at Buckingham Palace. Hundreds of guests are expected to make their way to the Queen's home for a night of dinner and dancing hosted by Prince Charles, and this, per Yorke, also failed to get the go-ahead from the lady in residence.
The problem here, per Yorke, is that Buckingham Palace has only one kitchen which it uses for its most formal of occasions, which may pose logistical issues.
The breakfast, you see, is tentatively scheduled to end around 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon, and then there comes the clearing of dishes, the resetting of places, the cooking of multicourse meals and the arrival of hundreds of guests for the evening festivities, all within a matter of hours. It's the same reason why, in the past, dinner receptions have typically been held at nearby hotels. Its a royal wedding For Godsakes...Imagine the whole watching as they serve Chinese to the guests...
Willy Dearest might end up having a 19th century wedding in 2011 thanks to Grandmommy
Though I doubt William, Kate nor Charles meant disrupt the flow of the day (or, by god, cause any amount of vexing to the Queen), but as none of them has the amount of experience in organizing such a massive do as Her Majesty. Yeah with her 100 years of experience..The Queen has instructed one person from William's team at Clarence House—his official London residence and the organization responsible for all official information on the Prince and his wedding—be sent over to Buckingham Palace.
In other words, it looks like it will be the Queen, and not the future princess, who will be running the show.

An Official...Welcome to the royal family, Kate.
Gawd i love Royal drama...
Random Question...I wonder when Harrys Getting Married...
ps.Have they already started making those Will and Kate Mugs? I really want one
I have one for Charles and Diana...Yes I know It was a while ago...but I just couldnt bring myself to get one for Camila and Charles...I just couldnt
By the Way...Have you seen this Vid of Queen Elizabeth addressing the Royal Engagement?...excuse the step up 3D commercial in the first about 22 seconds

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