Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Over 40 African Migrants Drown in Yemen Coast

One of the saddest headlines I came across early morning from source  Yemeni and UN Officials on Monday reported that More than 40 African migrants trying to reach Yemen by boat have drowned in heavy seas off the coast and a second boat with up to 40 Ethiopians aboard is missing feared drowned off, The accident was caused by high winds and a tsunami which capsized the two boats taking them towards the coast.

Yemen's Interior Ministry said on its website three Somalis were rescued after a vessel carrying 46 people, mostly from Ethiopia, capsized, and a second boat carrying Ethiopians was missing.
The U.N. refugee agency said five men among 46 Ethiopian and Somali passengers had survived the tragedy, which witnesses said began when the engine was caught in fishing nets of the boat, which had left Djibouti three hours earlier.
Mass drownings have been frequent as many African migrants in unseaworthy boats try to reach Yemen, seeking for greener pastures I presume,When I see headlines like this it hits my heart hard. But Who leaves Ethiopia to go to Yemen? To think the situation is that bad, people would do just about anything to get of their countries..but Ethiopia is doing better correct me if a I'm wrong, At least I thought so, but then i guess they are economic migrants using Yemen as portal to the Middle East..too sad. 
Reminds me of that image that made me a bit emotional in 2007 of African Bodies washed up in Yemen coast 

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